How might Alexander Hamilton’s life have been different if smartphones existed in the 1770s? We hope no one reading this ever faces a gun duel, but we know that most of us face a daily battle to use our screens with intention, maximizing the many benefits, while minimizing the side effects. Enjoy our modern day re-write of the epic song: My Shot.
With near-constant exposure to news and social media amidst this injustice, more kids are watching graphic videos of tragic violence and reading hateful comments on social media. Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Wright Institute, recently shared thoughts on how parents can help kids process and respond to what they are seeing.
Looking for a fun activity to do tonight? Download and print this Zoom Mad Lib to do with your family…or use it to help make the most of your next Zoom playdate—have your child ask a friend for the words and then read it back…rolling in laughter.
START recently partnered with the Wall Street Journal to share thoughts about a hot app for kids: Facebook’s Messenger Kids, an introductory social media app designed for kids age 6-12. If you decide to take the plunge, it’s likely your child’s first foray into social media and it’s important to equip them for it and to be attentive to potential unexpected side effects.
When it comes to check-ups, healthcare professionals share that digital health is just as important as physical health. This article includes practical questions providers can use to start the digital health conversation with their patients.
For your teen or tween, more time at home likely means more incoming texts…some of which might be layered with hidden meanings. Need a decoder? We gotcha covered! This FREE DOWNLOAD gives you the scoop on the latest trends in teen text-slang.
Looking for a fun activity to do to help your family unplug at dinner? Or a tool to help your kids have a successful Zoom play date? Print out and complete this “quarantine mad lib” with your family. We hope it leads to conversations and connections to help your family weather this storm.
Even before the world of Zoom calls, distance learning assignments, and social media “family challenges”…keeping tabs on our children’s screentime was enough to cause any calm parent a decent amount of anxiety. That’s why we were thrilled when our friend Caroline Hesdall, Ph.D., liscenced psychologist, let us pick her brain about ways we can calm the anxiety we feel over our kids’ screen habits.
In a world where we are physically distanced from each other, our challenge is to maximize the gift of screens, but minimize the isolation we are feeling. Ironically, for our teens, this challenge isn’t necessarily a new thing. Join us for a peek our kids’ world. We are here to help you make a plan to help them stay healthy.
Parenting in the days of quarantine is a juggle of childcare, conference calls, household chores, and emotional roller coasters. Screens are providing a beautiful lifeline, but how to we best manage them without letting them consume us? Let’s make a plan!