Cara Bohon, VP of Clinical Programs at EQUIP, joins Krista Boan for a conversation about body image and social media.

Cara Bohon, VP of Clinical Programs at EQUIP, joins Krista Boan for a conversation about body image and social media.
Heath Wilson and Joey Odom, creators of The Aro, join Krista Boan for a conversation about their search for “life uninterrupted.”
Felicia Wu Song is a sociologist at Westmont College who studies the way technology has changed contemporary life. On the Screen Sanity’s final episode of 2021, she joins START co-founder Krista Boan for a conversation about digital fatigue and unpacks how our own lives have been transformed by devices and screens.
Join Krista Boan as she talks with the founder of Protect Young Eyes, Chris McKenna. It’s a topic many parents are trying to tackle: digital safety. They talk tools, apps, ways to think about “layers” of protection, and a variety of other details that parents are trying to grasp.
In this conversation, Adam and Krista reflect on the “smartphone plunge”—that moment when your kids graduate from a limited device like a Gabb phone to a smartphone. Join us as we unpack the emotions of prepping your kids for this milestone, the process of unboxing a smartphone, and the importance of wisdom, communication, and connection with your kids along the way.
Max Stossel is the Youth + Education Advisor for The Center for Humane Technology—the organization behind Netflix’s documentary, The Social Dilemma. In this conversation, we get to pick his brain about how to talk to our kids about the “secret sauce” tech companies build into devices and apps to keep us hooked on our screens.
Angie Daniels is the Program Manager for The Hope Center on the east side of Kansas City, Missouri. There, she works to serve kids in an urban community in the heart of the city. From Pre-K to High School, they work to provide a supportive, family-like atmosphere for kids in this urban community—and phone-free zones are a key part of their culture. Join us as we gather wisdom from this amazing leader and mother of five kids who grew up in the smartphone revolution.
Filmmakers Rob and Zareen Cope are a couple of New Zealander parents who spent a year talking to leading experts around the globe about the hazards our kids face in the online world, and what could be done about them. They share this info in their documentary, “Our Kids Online.” Listen in as we talk about how they’ve handled everything from sleepovers and playdates… to the porn talk.
For Actor/Artist/Author Brady Smith, raising kids in Hollywood is about more than just the big screen; it’s about finding balance with your little screen, so you don’t miss out on the biggest screen of all—life. Join us as Brady shares thoughts about the relationship between screens, creativity, and making family memories your kids will always cherish.
Amanda Mozea is the Education Outreach Manager at Media Girls, where she and her team work to help girls to think critically about how to show up authentically in their social media feeds. In this podcast, Amanda joins Krista to share thoughts about the conversations parents need to have with their daughters to help them swim—not sink—in their social worlds.