Social Distancing: Our Kids' Reality | Screen Sanity

Social Distancing: Our Kids’ Reality

In a world where we are physically distanced from each other, our challenge is to maximize the gift of screens, but minimize the isolation we are feeling. Ironically, for our teens, this challenge isn’t necessarily a new thing. START parent Callie recently shared, “For years now, I’ve been rushing my kids around, driving my minivan into the ground, wishing there was a way to just slow down, so I could connect with my kids more deeply. It sounds crazy, but this time of quarantine might has given us the time together I always wanted.”

So here’s an idea: What if this time being grounded together actually becomes a training ground…a fresh chance to grow healthy habits that will help them flourish the rest of their lives?

It’s hard to establish habits—like device bedtimes—when your kids say you are the “only one.” Now, more than ever, we need time with other parents in our village to talk about our screentime challenges and make a plan. If you are ready to bring this conversation to your community, we invite you to be a #QuaranScreened Champion.  Here’s how.