Looking for a fun activity to do tonight? Download and print this Zoom Mad Lib to do with your family…or use it to help make the most of your next Zoom playdate—have your child ask a friend for the words and then read it back…rolling in laughter.

Tag: Zoom
Looking for a fun activity to do tonight? Download and print this Zoom Mad Lib to do with your family…or use it to help make the most of your next Zoom playdate—have your child ask a friend for the words and then read it back…rolling in laughter.
Looking for a fun activity to do to help your family unplug at dinner? Or a tool to help your kids have a successful Zoom play date? Print out and complete this “quarantine mad lib” with your family. We hope it leads to conversations and connections to help your family weather this storm.
Parenting in the days of quarantine is a juggle of childcare, conference calls, household chores, and emotional roller coasters. Screens are providing a beautiful lifeline, but how to we best manage them without letting them consume us? Let’s make a plan!