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Welcome to the Screen Sanity blog! Here you'll find the latest tips and trends related to screentime, smartphones, social media and video games, as well as real-life stories from Screen Sanity families.

Parents walking down sidewalk while daughter does a cartwheel in front of them. Text overlay reads “Spring Break Screentime Prep”

Spring Break Screentime Prep

Do the words “spring break” make you want to jump up and down or groan in agony? A full week with your family is an absolute gift, but at the same time, it can be completely intimidating. On today’s blog, we break down five ways to prepare for spring break so you can minimize screentime and maximize memory-making.

The Porn Talk

Few thoughts are as daunting to parents as the prevalence of pornography and predators in the lives of our children. While we’d like to think porn only lives in hard-to-reach corners of the internet, the reality is it’s only a few clicks away. According to Defend Young Minds, the average age of first porn exposure is nine years old.

Ask the Experts: Digital Wellness in 2022

START Co-founder and Executive Director Tracy Foster was recently asked to participate in an expert panel for COSMO, a ground-breaking technology company that designs and builds innovative tech solutions to help keep kids safe and families connected. We love their COSMO JrTech 2 Smartwatch for a child’s first device.

5 Ways for Coaches to Combat the Screentime Struggle

The positive effects of participating in youth sports are numbered, yet there is a distracting new teammate causing disengagement among today’s athletes—the smartphone. Instead of focusing on the game, players run to the bench to check their phones for notifications. Instead of practicing drills outside, teens spend hours inside scrolling through social media.

Time Matters: A Mother’s Essay

We all know time matters. For parents, we need to focus on how we spend that time. From the moment our children are born until the time they graduate, we have approximately 936 weeks with them. In the book Playing for Keeps by Reggie Joiner, Kristen Ivy and Liz Hansen, these precious weeks are illustrated with a jar filled with marbles—each marble representing one week.