Snapchat | Screen Sanity

He is alive.

It takes an incredibly brave parent to seek out and accept information that contradicts their past parenting choices. Instead of putting on their blinders to protect their ego, they face the truth in order to protect their children. This story is from one such mother, Lauren, who courageously shared her journey—so others might not go through the pain she has been through. Thank you, Lauren.

Camp Unplugged

When 18 year old Tatum Oakley packed her bags for summer camp, she knew that she would be expected to check in her phone. But what she didn’t expect was how much she would learn and grow in her summer of unplugging. At START, we often hear from families who are overwhelmed by helping our teens find balance in their social media lives, so our ears perked up when Tatum shared a powerful secret: one of the best ways to help your teens find digital balance is to offer them rich offline experiences.