Do the words “spring break” make you want to jump up and down or groan in agony? A full week with your family is an absolute gift, but at the same time, it can be completely intimidating. On today’s blog, we break down five ways to prepare for spring break so you can minimize screentime and maximize memory-making.
Plan ahead to create clear boundaries around screens, phones and video games. Decide where and when you desire connection to take place within your family. Perhaps it’s during mealtime or on a walk around the neighborhood. Get excited about the potential that exists for you to really connect with your family.
With that vision in place, decide what boundaries are needed to make space for that desired connection. Be clear, and bring everyone into the conversation ahead of time. Better yet, let your kids be a part of the vision casting and the boundary setting. You might be surprised at what they bring to the table.
We are firm believers that effective change happens best in community. It’s why we set up our Screen Sanity curriculum as a group study, because we know how powerful the dialogue can be between parents, coworkers, neighbors, etc. Why not approach spring break the same way?
Share your vision for spring break with a friend, and ask if they want to join you. Having someone you can call when you need inspiration or encouragement can be incredibly helpful. Do your kids have friends or neighbors they’d like to invite on screen-free adventures? The more the merrier!
When you set screentime boundaries during your kids’ “week of freedom,” you’re likely to receive a few eyerolls. Remind them that the focus is not on the boundaries — the focus is on having fun together, creating memories and connecting as a family outside screens.
One way to give kids ownership of their spring break is to delegate days or activities. Let them have some buy-in by deciding what you can do together as a family. Keep in mind, this may also require you to be brave in saying “yes” to the ideas they propose.
It’s helpful to plan ahead and set a vision for your spring break. However, we encourage you to leave a little room for boredom. This is where the magic happens! You will be amazed at the creativity kids exercise when they are given the room. Let’s consider boredom a muscle. If your child hasn’t flexed this muscle in a while, it might be challenging! But the more they’re given the opportunity, the easier it gets. So, while you work on scheduling activities, remember to leave some space for the creativity and adventures that grow out of boredom.
Here’s the reality: There may be some huffing and puffing. It could be from your kids, from you, or from your dog who just wants some peace and quiet. Even if at times things don’t feel like they’re going quite according to plan, remember your vision for connection. You have the opportunity to reset at any point. This is also a good time to revisit the idea of not doing spring break alone. Who might you call when you need some encouragement? Share challenges, and most importantly, celebrate wins.