Digital Driver's Ed | Screen Sanity

Digital Driver’s Ed

Does it feel like you can’t imagine the day you’ll actually be ready to hand your child a phone or let them navigate the world of social media? We’re sharing one of our best tips for building a foundation of digital health that can one day lead your child to device independence (when the time is right!) Consider this our digital driver’s ed.


Approach device use like you would teach your child to drive a car. First, they spend years watching YOU. They take note of how you slow down at a stoplight, look in your rear-view window, merge on to a highway, and so much more! They’re naturally absorbing boat loads of information from just watching you.

Try it out: Have your child observe your digital habits. You can even include them! Have your child put your phone in a “phone home” during dinner time or at bedtime. Narrate what you’re doing on your phone so they know you’re not always scrolling…sometimes you’re making a doctor’s appointment or adding to your grocery list! Our phones are tools and this is a great way to teach your child this concept.


Then begins the real training. And you’re right next to them, guiding them on when to turn and how fast to go. Sometimes they might hit a curb or stop a little too abruptly — but you’re right there to speak into those moments!

Try it out: Remember when you used to jump on your parent’s lap when they get to the driveway? You’d control the steering wheel while they were in charge of the pedals? Give your child a task to do on your phone, and sit next to them while they navigate. Answer their questions and offer them advice. Maybe you have them FaceTime a friend or cousin. Or maybe you want their help adding an item to your Target online shopping cart. Whatever it is, this is great practice for when they have a device of their own.

]When it is time to hand your child a phone, this is still a great time to give them a chance to “practice”. We highly encourage starting with a smart watch or a simple phone (we’ve gathered some of these on our products we love page). This step can help create safe guardrails and healthy digital rhythms before you hand your child a smartphone.


Eventually, it’s time for them to drive solo. You’ve spent the time training and trust the skills they’ve built. They know they can still come to you with questions, as you’ve set yourself up as a trusted resource for them. And sure, maybe there are still parameters and boundaries, such as a curfew and passenger limit, but they’re now driving solo!

Try it out: Before handing your child a smartphone, we encourage parents to walk through our Smarter Start Toolkit, created in partnership with UScellular. This is a resource you can explore with your child and it will lay the groundwork for your family’s best practices when it comes to device use.


Practicing healthy digital habits is so much easier when you have families doing it alongside you. You’re able to cheer each other on in your wins, and empathize with each other when you inevitably hit a “speed bump”. We’ve created the Parent Night Kit to be a ready-to-go resource to share with your school, community or organization. It includes a video presentation, discussion questions, printable handouts and much more. Find a date for your community to gather, host a Screen Sanity Parent Night, and experience real change in your community.